Monday, August 15, 2011

I had this crazy nightmare for the first time since i can't remember when?

i was driving my car in my neighborhood on my way home at night in the rain, and just before my street, there was a man standing in the middle of the road facing away from me. the only way i could describe him would to be looking at the backside of Captin Balboa from Pirates of the Carribean. he was wearing a long black coat, kinda dusty and dirty, a large brimmed hat (no feather though) black pants and boots. as i came up on him he unnaturally turned around facing me in an instant. the face was not clear to me. i counldn't really see it. so i slammed on my breaks just as i'm about to run over him and he vanishes. i'm freaked out, turn on to my road and speed up to my house. ran out of my car, got into the house and as i was shutting the door, an invisible force was pushing against the door preventing me from shutting it. while i was trying to close it i was looking out of the crack of the door to see whats the problem, the door flung open, nothing there, i was grabbed and

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